Health and wellbeing should be considered a major priority and businesses are treating the wellbeing of their employees with the upmost importance. Discussions on flexible working are becoming regular, and the majority of UK businesses have been forced to adopt another way of day-to-day working. As business leaders have been busy ensuring that their employees have everything they need and are looking after their wellbeing, it’s important you don’t forget your own wellbeing.
Being a digital leader is a huge responsibility and day-to-day duties are bound to lead to exhaustion at some point. Staying on top of your health is crucial to leading a business to success; and we’ll look at some of the ways you can do that.
Stick to the working schedule
This is one of the most important aspects when working towards a healthy working lifestyle; but perhaps it’s one of the most challenging commitment to make, under current working conditions. There is the saying of “leave work at the office”, but the office for many of us has become our homes in recent time.
As a business owner, you may feel as if there are endless tasks to keep on top of – which may be correct but taking time out to organise your time is very important. Set out your tasks, make a schedule and stick to it. Running a small business, in particular, can be demanding as it requires most of your time, but it it’s important to keep a healthy mind and take time off when necessary. A healthy mind is a productive one.
Delegate When Necessary
Learning to delegate tasks when necessary will only make life as a business leader much easier and healthier. You won’t be able to oversee every project or task singlehandedly, and by delegating tasks amongst the team, you can take care of a single focus while colleagues handle other objectives. This will save you time, prevent mistakes and ensure a consistent level of productivity.
Asking for assistance isn’t a weakness and as a business leader, it will show your colleagues that you trust them and value their input.
Remove Triggers For Distraction
Nearly 3 out of 4 workers (70%) admit they feel distracted at work, with 16% of people stating that they're almost always distracted.
There’s no doubt in the digital world, we’re constantly faced with distractions – phone notifications going off, social media alerts – you name it. The more distractions you’re faced with, the less you will complete and the more tasks will pile up. This goes hand-in-hand with our point on sticking to a schedule. This is not to say you should block out the world completely, however, by minimising distractions, you are likely to be more productive.
Ensure a healthy diet and exercise regularly
A healthy diet along with exercise can make a big difference to your mental health. Not only you, but encourage your workforce to exercise regularly, whether that be in their own time or during lunch breaks. It may even be worth having healthy snacks at the office to encourage a healthy diet. Eating at the correct times can also have a positive effect; schedule some time in which you plan to exercise and get some fresh air.
Make Sleep a Priority
Rest is necessary. There may be a 101 things on your to-do list, but ensuring you get the right amount of rest each night is important for your wellbeing. Try to avoid many late nights and get the recommended amount of sleep in (between 7-9 hours).
Sleep will help you, it will keep your mind refreshed and ready to go day after day – ensure you make it a priority.